2016 - Commodities


Cleaner burning coal that Canada has worked hard on was announced on CNBC on 18th March 2015 and all coal countries round the rest of the world are very interested too - the side products are bought by the oil drilling company’s so this is all looking good. This would assist the oil correction happening in 2015 going forward.




Backwards and forwards, up and down year but a balance will be found - then it will start to swing slowly but surely. 2016 is its upward turn and will get stronger in the years ahead.




It was all about cars planes boats and trains or transportation in 2014, a natural year for oil to fall, Then followed an all or nothing and correction worldwide year in 2015, the same happened starting in 2005, 2006 into 2007, and will run into 2016 and going forward it will settle. Where will the oil price go? It should be round the $60 to $80 mark and nowhere near as high as it was.


In the meantime fracking and shale gas as much as the ‘oil powers that be’ were playing games trying to affect Oil, but they did it at the wrong time and in the correction year the elastic band they were playing with snapped bringing a balance highlighting other forms of fuels allowing them to have a stage too.




2016 onwards it will also start an upward turn.




Is in an upward swing from 2016 onwards.